We will still continue to offer LIVE Zoom classes for those who wish to dance at home.
Please email info@infinitydancewi.com for more information.
Get Ready To Dance
1. Put on Dance Attire
Dressing in your dress code and your shoes help you to get “in the zone.”
5. Stay In Touch
Reach out to us on Instagram and Facebook to share your dance at home pictures and videos! We miss you all and love seeing you continue dancing from afar!
2. Create a Clear Dance Space
Move everything out of your dancing area so you have a clear space to move and keep from getting distracted!
3. Log In Early
Just like in the studio, being at class early helps dancers get into the right frame of mind. Log in to your class 10 minutes early and meet your fellow dancers!
4. Be Flexible
Learning through a screen will never be the same as learning in person, WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! Be flexible if you are having technical difficulties.
What To Bring to Class
Positive Attitude
Bath Mat or Carpet Square (Ages 4-7)
Chair (Ages 8+)
Have Fun!
Please remember to stay safe by warming up and stretching your muscles and making sure you have enough room clear of objects when utilizing these optional resources.
Please share your dancing by tagging us @infinitydancewi and using hashtag #infinitydancewi!